
Nomination Form

Breakthrough New York (BTNY) is seeking exceptional 6th grade students to apply to our 10-year college success program!

The nomination process is critical to our admissions outreach, as it helps us get directly in touch with a wide group of NYC students who may be eligible for our program.

For more information about our program and how to support your nominees in our admissions process, please download our Student Admissions Engagement Guide for Schools and CBO Partners.
WHO Should I Nominate for Breakthrough New York?
Students who meet our academic eligibility criteria, including:
  • Current NYC 6th graders attending a public, charter, or parochial school 
  • Students who scored a Level 3 or higher on the 2023–2024 Standardized State Assessment
  • Students who have an 85% or above in their core 6th grade classes (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies) by the time of their first 6th grade report card 
WHAT Information Do I Need to Submit in My Nominations?
You will be asked to submit the following information for each of your nominees. Having as much contact information as possible helps us make sure we can get in touch with students about applying. 

  • Student Name
  • Student E-Mail
  • Guardian 1 E-Mail
  • Guardian 1 Cell Phone
Optional (but Strongly Encouraged):
  • Student Gender 
  • Student Race/Ethnicity 
  • Guardian 2 E-Mail 
  • Guardian 2 Cell Phone 

Note: Providing Gender and Race/Ethnicity data helps BTNY lead our nomination and admissions process with an equity lens.
If you need any support in using this form, please contact Andrew Lindsay, Director of Admissions, at andrew@btny.org or call 917-633-5757.

Nominator Information

Begin typing to search for your school. If your school is not listed, leave this field blank and type your school's name in the "School Name if 'Other'" field below.

Nominee Information

If the student does not have a personal or school e-mail address, please enter the e-mail address of a guardian.

Report Cards
In our review of Part 1 Applications for BTNY, we will be checking to see if students have at least an 85% or above in their core classes (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies).

If you intend to nominate more than one (1) student please select "Add another response" below to continue adding nominees. 

Next Steps
By clicking the "Submit" button below, you will be submitting nominations for BTNY. Following submission, our team will begin conducting direct email and phone outreach to your nominees, to encourage them to learn more and apply. Our team will also provide nominators with updates on the admissions status of their nominees.